Word Processing Assessment

Questions Link

Complete each requirement in one document and send for grading. Show that you can use word processing features effectively:

  1. Create a List of Services - use tabs and leaders with border
    You work for a photo lab. In addition to film developing, the lab also offers reprints, enlargements, slides, black-and-white prints, copies and restorations, posters, and passport photos. Your manager wants to include a list of services available with each customer's order, and asks you to create it. List each service, how much it costs, and how much time it takes to complete. All services should cost $25.00 or less and take less than 90 minutes. Choose an appropiate theme, and make effective use of fonts, font size and style, colors, tabs and leaders, and border.

  2. Create a table and sort
    Create a table with city and photo sales. Use any features to enhance the table. Sort the sales greatest to least.
    Springfield - $33,140.68, Lincoln - $38,257.21, Jackson - $27,591.83, Jefferson City - $31,430.20, Dover - $21,815.17, Salem - $21,195.54, and Madison - $24,108.39

  3. Create a chart using table information (requirement 2)
    Choose chart type that best shows the information. Be sure to title and label.

  4. Create a letter and mail merge
    Write a letter thanking the managers for their great work. Copy and paste the table and chart into your letter. Be sure to have a logo, address and date and proper letter format. Mail merge to the seven managers - Bill, Mary, Joe, Lynn, Julie, Mike, and John.